Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Day Sets The Stage For School Career

Can you remember the first time you didn’t “go back to school?”

The summer after high school or college ended and you just kept going. There was no back to school shopping or schedule pickup – just another day of work. Maybe it was a summer job that rolled into the fall or maybe you started that first “real job” and got so busy that you didn’t notice school was starting again.

Then, you found yourself driving through the familiar school zone waiting for the crossing guard’s signal to pass. Even if it was just for a moment, you probably wished you could walk right back through those school doors.

As a student, my two best days of the school year were always the first day and the last day. No research exists but I would imagine many teachers feel the same way. Not taking away from the great things that happen during the school year, but the first day is just the best.

There is something comforting about the start of a new school year. There’s the anticipation of a new teacher, the pride of new clothes and of course the smell of new school supplies. Is there anything better than cracking open a fresh box of Crayolas?

My very first school day may not have been my best but it was certainly memorable. I don’t remember the details but it involved bringing a note home from the principal. I never saw it but I’m sure the note read something like this…

“Dear Mrs. Carroll - your son Timothy and Nicholas Terrafranca were disciplined today for playing on the rectory steps. Father O’Connor brought this to my attention when he returned the playground ball that was left on the porch. I hope this is not the behavior we can expect from Timothy at Sacred Heart in the coming year.” - Sister Mary Agatha.

Actually it was exactly the behavior they came to expect. Luckily for me the nuns, like all teachers, were very good at forgiving and “helping me make good choices.”

It is a remarkable transformation that takes place over the summer. No matter how hectic the end of school is, teachers and kids return each fall refreshed and eager to start all over again. Many moms are celebrating for a different reason as they recapture their homes from the summer invaders.

One big exception are the kindergarten parents who hover and fuss as their kids are led away to class for the first time. Comforting PTA groups even offer “crying rooms” outfitted with coffee and Kleenix for distraught parents. Similar rooms should be made available for parents who watch their young ones drive away to college for the first time.

High school is a different story. Their first day is more of a social event and fashion parade interrupted by classes. It is all about who’s in my class and where do I sit at lunch this year. Still, it’s the first day and there’s a buzz in the air.

This Sunday marks the end of a long – a very long – summer. I hope every one of you has a great first day – whether you’re walking through the doors or just driving by. And parents – don’t be upset if your kindergartner comes home with a note from the principal. It will all work out in the end.

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